Forced To Wear Same Outfit Daily, What Would It Be?

I have, along with thousands of other kids who attended Catholic Schools. For twelve years, I wore them. It made us all equal. No one dressed like they were wealthy, we were all the same.

One thing is for sure. No one looked provocative either. If you’ve been past a middle school or high school, you would know how revealing most kids dress now.

It’s really a blessing to not have to decide what to wear every day. In the working world, at least I could change colors and styles of suits and blouses. It also was a uniform of sorts.

And now, as a retired woman who is an author, I am now focused on pure comfort. No more heels and pantyhose, suits and blouses. It appears I love color and pattern.

I’m proud of the fact my tailoring skills are such I could construct my suits and tops myself. Sewing was much less expensive. It was such a sense of accomplishment.

I would like to figure out how to adjust patterns for this lumpy, old lady body. I’ve had a few things I’ve sewn in the past five years which haven’t turned out too well.

A reason is because my scoliosis has caused a big curve in my spine and I need to adjust my patterns to allow for that. It’s probably time for new skills and more study. Always something to learn and create!

We all go through changes in life, and our bodies may not be what we want. We have definite differences from 20 year olds, yet most of us wouldn’t trade where we are in life for a young face again.

We’ve earned our place on this earth and can relish all the bonuses we’ve been awarded just by living in our older bodies. Grateful, indeed.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday and stay safe in the bad weather and heat. Between hail and rain, flooding, and storms, our homes and property have taken a beating. See you tomorrow.

Time Wasted?

Today’s WordPress prompt has to do with what you waste most of your time with. We all do it.

There are areas we all could improve spending precious time. I admit, I’ve begun be pretty good at procrastinating. After years of doing things in good time, I’ve learned it’s ok to put things off a bit. The only thing is I can’t let it be the habit.

Change is so hard. I know when I do it, it will free me up in other ways. Following through is the key to new things and my new hobbies, along with old ones I miss.

And the plan is now public, so I need to be firm in my convictions and follow through. And one less bad habit.

The worst place to waste time is on a phone, cruising the internet, down one rabbit hole or another. It can also lead to word games that go on for hours and brush up a fuzzy brain. Necessary, and it isn’t a complete waste of time. Playing a save the king game is, in my humble opinion.

Find something you’d rather not be doing. No matter how small, you might decide to spend that time more wisely. It could make some huge change in your life, eventually.

We have to change to grow. The better we can change, the more we grow. One depends on the other.

Have a beautiful Sunday. Rest as you need. And make sure to do something for yourself. Be safe out there, and see you tomorrow.

In Cold Storage


Happy Birthday to our Brother Tom on his birthday. He’s waking up in his new home today. Living alone is no longer an option, and this arrangement makes sense for him. Wishing him well on another trip around the sun.

This book, “In Cold Storage” is written by James W. Hewitt. The subtitle is “Sex and Murder on the Plains.”

I haven’t read “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote; this book is said to be similar.

The evidence is described in detail. The small community of McCook, Nebraska is rocked to its core with these heinous murders. I was a young married Mom, 22 years old, when this happened. I know I read about in the newspaper, but don’t recall the articles.

I’ve read a little of it this morning and find these books are quick reads since they’re interesting.

How about you? What are you reading now? What Genre? The mugginess of summer makes a book with a cold beverage the best bet for this week. Great pastime.

Have a good Tuesday. It’s a great day for it. Be safe, see you tomorrow.

True to Form

The week is filled with severe weather possibilities for the week the NCAA College World Series is in town.

Games have been postponed this evening, but may be started bit later.

It’s a good showcase for Omaha, and our city looks great on ESPN. Omaha make some serious cash from these games.

It’s a normal summer weekend in Nebraska. Mom’s house closed yesterday. It’s a load off my mind for sure. Now I need to get used to the idea. No more parking in the driveway, no more stopping for a couple minutes.

It’s amazing how off track we become when we’re away from our routine for a period of time. We will get back on track with our own time and routines. It is time.

Yes, we have plans for our space as the year continues. We need to begin to relax and get back to being a retired couple with hobbies to pursue.

Have a beautiful Sunday and stay near the weather reports in case things change substantially. You’ll be glad to.

Be safe out there and see you tomorrow.

What Fears Have You Overcome and How?

I’m afraid of water; never learned to swim. Never overcame it.

I was afraid to speak in public, to a crowd. I took Public Speaking in college (late in life.) I also joined a local Toastmasters group. Once a week, my lunch hour was extended to attend the meeting. It was a lot of fun, and I learned to speak in public with no fear.

I’m not afraid of being alone, although it would take some time, I could do it again. Living has taught me God has my back. He’ll keep me safe, no matter what.

I used to be afraid to stand up for myself. I am still learning to have boundaries and enforce them. It is easier now that Mom is gone. She was a classic gaslighter, sad to say.

Intimidated as I was to quilt, I’m self-taught, and love to try new techniques. I watched Alex Anderson on HGTV until I was braver. Knowledge is power, which translates to success. It’s a natural progression.

New things are not necessarily things to fear. Embracing them helps adapt to them and use what good they can offer, while being aware of be what may not be good. Take time to decide for yourself.

Hope you have a great Monday and a productive week. June is off to a great start! Take care until tomorrow.