What Fears Have You Overcome and How?

I’m afraid of water; never learned to swim. Never overcame it.

I was afraid to speak in public, to a crowd. I took Public Speaking in college (late in life.) I also joined a local Toastmasters group. Once a week, my lunch hour was extended to attend the meeting. It was a lot of fun, and I learned to speak in public with no fear.

I’m not afraid of being alone, although it would take some time, I could do it again. Living has taught me God has my back. He’ll keep me safe, no matter what.

I used to be afraid to stand up for myself. I am still learning to have boundaries and enforce them. It is easier now that Mom is gone. She was a classic gaslighter, sad to say.

Intimidated as I was to quilt, I’m self-taught, and love to try new techniques. I watched Alex Anderson on HGTV until I was braver. Knowledge is power, which translates to success. It’s a natural progression.

New things are not necessarily things to fear. Embracing them helps adapt to them and use what good they can offer, while being aware of be what may not be good. Take time to decide for yourself.

Hope you have a great Monday and a productive week. June is off to a great start! Take care until tomorrow.

“Truck” is Finished!

At long last, I’ve finished the book “Truck.” It’s a great story, about a small town paramedic and fire fighter who sets about refurbishing an old 1950s International Truck.

I loved his descriptions of working garages and where everything is: oil cans, hand cleaner, fuses, nuts, bolts, screws, and various other things useful to mechanics. It reminded me of poking around in my dad’s garage.

The next book is “The Lost Museum of Quilts,” by Jennifer Chiaverini. It is the 22nd of a series about The Elm Creek Quilters. I’ve read all the books, and decided to add this one to my list which are read.

I saw the author on HGTV, a quilting program. She was quilting with host Alex Anderson. I immediately bought the novels and started to learn how to quilt. I’ve never regretted either decision.

I did a lot of paper sorting today. Setting up new files, etc takes a while. I’m trying to get ahead of the calendar and be more prepared for end of year taxes, etc. Later, I’ll be glad to have it done.

It’s a busy but laid back weekend. With the Indy 500 and Coca Cola 600 both today, the Babe will be occupied. Maybe I can get some reading in, or straightening up the sewing room and quilting.

Hope you have a good weekend, and remember our fallen soldiers. They are why we still have our freedoms. Don’t thank current military, that’s for Veterans Day.

Be safe out there. See you tomorrow.