
Knotted Tiny Gold Chains!

My mission for Tuesday was to get the knot out of this tiny gold chain.

There must have been fifty tiny knots in it. They were tight. I knew I’d seen videos on how to get the knots out.

So, I googled that phrase. I’ll be darned! Three videos came up. The first one was preposterous.

The next one had a solution that seemed impossible. The key is two pointed, sharp objects, and sort of shuffling the knot between the pointed tips of the objects. I was skeptical.

I had two long pins, with big plastic ends on them. They worked a little, but I soon traded the pins for long, thin needles. Much more effective.

It was satisfying to have that stubborn knot flatten out and vanish. Then I secured a price tag and was finished.

Patience helps a great deal, with all aspects of life. What could you use more patience with?

I hope you have a great Wednesday. We’ll see each other tomorrow!

Aww, It’s Cute!

How many times do you hear this phrase? What does the word “cute” mean to you?

Small, child-like, young. Many people dislike “cute.”

Cute refers to puppies.

Cute doesn’t mean elegant, stately, or statuesque.

It means appealing in an endearing way. Think babies, bunnies, and baby chicks.

It also means sexually attractive in North American slang. “He’s so cute!”

Also in North American slang, it means to be clever or cunning in a self-serving way. “I don’t want to get cute with you.”

My older brother is a slightly built man. He was small as a child; he was bullied a lot as a kid. He hated the word cute for a multitude of reasons. I didn’t blame him.

And I didn’t care for the word when my mom told me, “You’re too big to be cute.” Ouch!

Of course, I looked huge standing next to him. But I was normal-sized. No matter, the damage was done and re-enforced. For both of us.

Now, the word “fat” is what I dislike hearing. The word stirs up horrible memories for me.

Mom used to call me that a lot. I don’t use the word as it has such bad feelings and low self esteem tied to it. As long as I can remember I was demeaned by Mom using that word.

The thing about it is, people seem to know how to keep you “in your place.” Mom had it done to her. And I vowed never to do that to my kids. And I didn’t. The curse is broken. At last!

Bullies will always exist. Just don’t be one. Ever.

Have a great Sunday, and we’ll see you tomorrow!

Gosh! NYE Already?

My 2023 & 2024

I may have skipped a day and here it is New Year’s Eve already!

It’s been a rough year. Lots of ups and downs with Mom. After she passed 11/01/2023, we have been busy in a different way. We’re having an estate sale soon and hope to sell the house right after that. We have a lot of work to do. I am eager to be finished. I miss our life!

I’m ready. I’m cleaning out cobwebs from places I didn’t know existed! And we’re getting ready to live our life again. And discover each other again. The old jokes, old phrases, they all add up, reminding us of how we were. And probably still are. Celebrate responsibly tonight. We’re right where we need to be-with each other! Be safe out there, see you tomorrow.