I Did It!

I made so much progress with my hope to quit procrastinating on things I’m not fond of doing. Like sorting paperwork we have to keep.

I’ve been awful at it, and had to work extra hard to keep things organized. Every year it was conducting a search for all the information needed for taxes.

I’ve always done my own, from the 70s, when I was first married until now. I still do, and still have the bad habit of procrastinating on paperwork.

I mentioned this yesterday, and today, I completed the new task. It feels so good!

Step two is to organize and file all of 2024’s information, receipts, etc. Maybe tomorrow will be the day to start that.

If not, there is always the shredding, rearranging the office closet, and divest myself of all the papers pertaining to volunteering at the VFW Post.

Sometimes, we need to just (gently) kick ourselves in the hiney and get moving. Today was a start. I really want to get back to my children’s book and quilting.

How about you? Have you found something which if tackled now will save you time six months from now?

Let’s pace each other, and all keep up the support. We can get it done. And we’ll all want to give up. Let’s not allow each other to do that.

Have a great Monday, and stay hydrated. Stay out of the sun and check on the older folks around you. We’ll see each other tomorrow.

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