What Have You Been Putting Off Doing? Why?

Perhaps I’ve been putting off the completion of my office reorganization AND my studio reorganization. It’s been underway now for a while. Then again, maybe it’s life in the way. How do I know?

I’m tired. The last seven months have been non stop crisis management. And it’s been a wild ride with Mom’s cancer diagnosis, treatment, and after treatment. Moving from her house to assisted living and building a new life for herself now. We are working a furniture swap between the apartment and house. Then an estate sale, home for sale, and hopefully sold before 2024.

We’re tired. Maybe I don’t want to make the time to get back to what my life was before all this crisis. Am I afraid to follow through on my dreams? Do I fear failure? I do not think I’m afraid of following through or of failure. I still believe in me. I would like to publish my children’s book while Mom is still with us. But you know what? If she’s not still with us, she’ll still know when I publish my kid book. It’s all good.

Hope to take today and tomorrow at home, then go to Mom’s late in the week. More packing to do, and hope to get the Plan B ready to implement. More about that later. I hope for a fruitful day today. Tying up the rest of the permission from God letters I need to provide for the utilities, private health insurance, and accountant. This list is only the beginning. There’s the IRS, both Federal and State, and others.

You know what? That’s it. I’m putting off the rest of my two huge reorganizations because there just isn’t enough time. The rest of our life is kind of lived a moment at a time. I need to not feel guilty about not finishing those reorganizations. We will get it all done.

How about you? Let’s all learn to not be so hard on ourselves. Reasons for not getting finished with something. Excuses are exactly that, excuses; they are not reasons. Reasons are valid. Excuses are not. Learn the difference and you’ll be ok.

Have a great Monday, and we’ll see each other tomorrow. Stay safe.

2 thoughts on “What Have You Been Putting Off Doing? Why?

    1. You are correct, Judy. Once I get all the silly paperwork allowing me to change address on utilities, banks, etc., we’ll be good. POA’s are more than just having one – you have to follow the institution’s rules. Maddening. Love you!


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