True to Form

The week is filled with severe weather possibilities for the week the NCAA College World Series is in town.

Games have been postponed this evening, but may be started bit later.

It’s a good showcase for Omaha, and our city looks great on ESPN. Omaha make some serious cash from these games.

It’s a normal summer weekend in Nebraska. Mom’s house closed yesterday. It’s a load off my mind for sure. Now I need to get used to the idea. No more parking in the driveway, no more stopping for a couple minutes.

It’s amazing how off track we become when we’re away from our routine for a period of time. We will get back on track with our own time and routines. It is time.

Yes, we have plans for our space as the year continues. We need to begin to relax and get back to being a retired couple with hobbies to pursue.

Have a beautiful Sunday and stay near the weather reports in case things change substantially. You’ll be glad to.

Be safe out there and see you tomorrow.

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