What Possessions Do You Treasure?

We all have some physical things we treasure, but I don’t have things I can’t live without. It’s the people in my life I treasure.

Of course, my wedding ring symbolizes our love. It is very fitting of the life we have. Blessed beyond anything I could have imagined.

I have a little pair of blue knitted baby booties in my curio cabinet. When my first husband and I lived near Ft. Eustis, Virginia, we were expecting our first child.

We walked around a Grants store looking at baby things. I saw a tiny pair of blue baby booties. They were seventy-nine cents, and we had to scrimp spare change. Memories.

I like to be reminded of from whence I came, it helps me realize how far I’ve come over the last 55 years. It is heartening to know the back breaking hard work is worth it.

And then, I’m grateful for huge memories that come from some small treasures. they make life worth living, for sure!

By the way. The Babe has a birthday today, May 24th. He is turning 74, and I’m his much younger wife. At our wedding, we had the John Lennon song “Grow Old Along With Me.” Looks like we’re well on our way.

Have a wonderful Friday, and we’ll see each other tomorrow. Be safe.

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