Life. Full of Surprises!


I lived about fifteen years on LTD from my job at Mutual of Omaha as a Systems Analyst. My spine is in such condition it is/was too painful to sit at a computer. We tried everything, a sit/stand work station, therapy before work, etc. The nurses who helped me with modifications to my workstation were truly angels. Finally, we had to look at disability.

I retell this part of my story in case someone may not know my circumstances. When I tell you I’ve been “retired” for 24 years, you don’t do the math and think I’m in my late 80s. Many days, I feel that way, but I’m much younger than that in real life. Very early 70s is more like it.

In getting to coffee with my niece this morning, I was late for an excellent reason.

A young kid took the turn in front of our house too fast, sliding on the ice. He took out the four mail boxes in the parking. His dad came to our door, explaining what happened, and fixed the mess up. Nothing else damaged, so we called it good. When I came home, the car was in our driveway, which was fine. It made sense to leave it here until Dad could get the son from school and pick up the car on their way home.

Little things often get in our way and sideline our best intention. I would have been on time until I wasn’t. Since I retired, I’ve noticed my attitude towards time is not the same as it was before Y2K. It’s marvelous to not be in a rush. Yet, I am fully aware I need to be on time again, not 8 – 10 minutes late.

We all have personal shortcomings to work on. It’s part of life. What would you like to improve in your life? A new year is a perfect time to begin. Think about joining me. Lord knows I have lots more to work on. I’ll let you know how it goes. Just because I have all the time in the world doesn’t mean everyone else does!

While we go through our weekend, let’s be aware of others. Being on time shows respect for what we’re doing with the other person. I need to honor the clock. And not like a working person, just when it matters. Unless the mailboxes come flying off their supports on your way out the door. Then you have a reason, not another excuse. Have a great day, and we’ll see each other tomorrow. Hopefully, on time!

I’m Feeling a Little Funny.

I met with my real estate agent today. She also is my niece. She is very thorough, precise, and knows an excellent offer when she sees it. Wendy Welch has sold 3 houses for the Babe and me, and helped us find two homes that were “ours.” Home.

Our retirement home (a ranch style home with a beautiful walk-out basement) is perfect. I tell her often the deck is like a vacation home. We had a two story before, and now, it’s one story. We love it.

It felt weird today. As POA, I was signing papers to sell our family home. Mom lived there 74 years. I am fully aware of the importance this home has for her. It’s an enormous responsibility, and I am honored to be trusted with the job. I’m in awe of the stories in that home. Every room has stories in its makeup. Stories of childhood, teenage broken hearts, and even my living with the folks while my first husband was in Germany, on duty during the Vietnam War. My son Frankie was a baby and my brothers were 10 and 13. They had fun together.

Lots of memories are surfacing, and most of them are very good. How we’ve all grown up into good people. Mom is working her way through the normal grief a person has now. I’m glad she’ll be free of the concern of a house, especially when things go wrong with it. For example, we get severe hail storms in Nebraska. She’s replaced the roof twice in two years. And siding, painting the garage, and all the stress of managing the project. She deserves a rest after all that.

Mom’s happy my Wendy is the agent. She assumed that was who I would choose, as she knows how I’ve been happy with and pleased with her work. This should be fun. Another new experience. Life is good. I hope yours is, too. Have a happy Wednesday, and we’ll see each other tomorrow.