Retire? Thought I Was?

Hope all the Dad’s and Mom’s had a good Father’s Day. It’s hard, whichever role you have to fill. Be kind to one another.

The question in WordPress prompts today asked what would we do in retirement.

Our financial advisor said we’d likely spend the most money in the first ten years. Why?

We’d be traveling. That makes sense, as health is usually more conducive to travel the younger you are.

We relocated after the first few years. We moved to a ranch style home. It was necessary due to my sore knees and back issues. Much better!

My hobbies haven’t had near the attention I want to give them. That can change now, since Mom’s home sold, closed, and we now change utilities, close bank accounts. She had several, and all but one will cease.

These last couple years have seen many who needed extra support due to illnesses. I want that to change, not so we don’t have to help anyone but so bad things stop happening for people close to us.

Hope you have a good Monday to begin the week. Monitor your hydration and rest more often. The whole week will be summertime, for sure. Be safe, see you tomorrow!

Finally Friday!

In the Midwest, whenever bad weather could develop, the trusty weather guys/gals clog the airways of local channels with many worst-case scenarios. Severe T-Storm warnings beep in every 2 minutes. It’s annoying. The frequency is unnecessary and most of us know to stay inside during a hailstorm, thunderstorm, tornado. We know better than to drive into a blizzard with 75 mph winds. If you just moved here, someone will clue you in.

I’m feeling stuck. Stuck in decluttering. Stuck in writing and life. Why? I’m finding a little tug when the thought of my birthday coming up. I’m feeling a little ancient, and a little not so much. It’s silly, really. All people go through it. I’m grateful to be reaching the age of 70 on the 22nd, and hope for a great birthday cake. I’m here for the cake!

I took Mom to the eye doctor for a six-month check again and she’s stable. I’m glad that’s the report for now. We need no more to deal with. She has PT coming in again and has a new lady coming in for help once a week. Hopefully, this will let her get Mom’s house clean and help her feel satisfied. After three years, the other lady didn’t work out. Those things happen sometimes.

I hope you have a great weekend, now that it’s here. The weather should be perfect and we’ll make the most of it for sure. Have a beautiful evening, and see you tomorrow!