Time Wasted?

Today’s WordPress prompt has to do with what you waste most of your time with. We all do it.

There are areas we all could improve spending precious time. I admit, I’ve begun be pretty good at procrastinating. After years of doing things in good time, I’ve learned it’s ok to put things off a bit. The only thing is I can’t let it be the habit.

Change is so hard. I know when I do it, it will free me up in other ways. Following through is the key to new things and my new hobbies, along with old ones I miss.

And the plan is now public, so I need to be firm in my convictions and follow through. And one less bad habit.

The worst place to waste time is on a phone, cruising the internet, down one rabbit hole or another. It can also lead to word games that go on for hours and brush up a fuzzy brain. Necessary, and it isn’t a complete waste of time. Playing a save the king game is, in my humble opinion.

Find something you’d rather not be doing. No matter how small, you might decide to spend that time more wisely. It could make some huge change in your life, eventually.

We have to change to grow. The better we can change, the more we grow. One depends on the other.

Have a beautiful Sunday. Rest as you need. And make sure to do something for yourself. Be safe out there, and see you tomorrow.

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