My First Crush!

Yes, the prompt for today is interesting. As a very little girl, I remember the weddings of all three of Mom’s sisters. At least part of the events.

I had a crush on Uncle Joe Conrad, he always was like another Dad to me. And Uncle Bob Jewell, too. He was wonderful to us.

A crush is someone’s first interest in someone else in a connection that is special.

I remember a boy in 4th grade. He was a new kid in class after the summer.

And I don’t remember ever seeing a boy with red hair. His dad was in the Air Force. His name? Dennis Fall. I was quite smitten, and I have no idea why. But that doesn’t matter, does it?

Maybe it was the blue eyes?

No idea. It’s funny, our memories of past events in life. And our recollections are all sweet. I couldn’t say if this Dennis ever talked to me, but I remember feeling giddy around him. Why, I have no idea! I have some, but nothing shareable right now.

How about you? Do you remember your first crush? Tell us?!?

Have a wonderful Thursday. And be safe out there. See you tomorrow!

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