In Cold Storage

Happy Birthday to our Brother Tom on his birthday. He’s waking up in his new home today. Living alone is no longer an option, and this arrangement makes sense for him. Wishing him well on another trip around the sun.

This book, “In Cold Storage” is written by James W. Hewitt. The subtitle is “Sex and Murder on the Plains.”

I haven’t read “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote; this book is said to be similar.

The evidence is described in detail. The small community of McCook, Nebraska is rocked to its core with these heinous murders. I was a young married Mom, 22 years old, when this happened. I know I read about in the newspaper, but don’t recall the articles.

I’ve read a little of it this morning and find these books are quick reads since they’re interesting.

How about you? What are you reading now? What Genre? The mugginess of summer makes a book with a cold beverage the best bet for this week. Great pastime.

Have a good Tuesday. It’s a great day for it. Be safe, see you tomorrow.

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