Day After Christmas, 2022

What a nice day we had yesterday! We hope you did, too. Things I’ve learned this year?

As I’m getting older and more affected by chronic pain, arthritis, etc., I cannot do what I want to believe I’m capable of. If I continue working beyond my limits, I’m miserable and won’t enjoy the event. Plan accordingly. It won’t turn out well if you don’t.

Despite what Rachael Ray said, using Kosher Salt for a dry brine on a beef tenderloin does make the meat saltier. It may be if I use that again, I skip the Lawry’s salt the recipe calls for. I’ll experiment a bit before deciding what/how I did it wrong. Luckily, no one complained too much.

Much as I love baking, I’d better limit that, too, for a number of reasons. #1, neither of us need excess desserts. #2, I can’t do prolonged standing/prepping/baking/cleanup. Either break up the sessions or manage them better.

I enjoy cooking, too. the Babe just can’t stand my Keto meals any longer. I’m going to try regular food again, and see how portion control works for the Babe. I’ll still secretly limit carbs for me, but we’ll see.

I’m also amazed for how quickly life goes back to “normal” after the major holiday of Christmas. I’ve known it, but now it hits in a different way than before. What is the next big deal after New Years? Valentines Day. The candy was in the grocery store aisle on December 23. Seriously. Let’s try to slow it down, make the next year slow it all down to enjoy it more, not run frantically from one day to the next.

I hope you had something touch your heart yesterday. Whether it be the shining eyes of a child in front of the tree, or the smile of wonderment from a grandfather to granddaughter talking about her boyfriend. Life is being lived all around us. We need to observe, participate, and learn. We’ll become much wiser.

Enjoy these quiet moments the season allows. They’re the bonus for being so busy and rushed. Keep safe out there. We’ll see each other tomorrow.