What a Busy Weekend!

Yesterday was the last day of the Nebraska Writer’s Guild Conference for 2024. It’s something I look forward to each year.

As an adult we still have a little letdown after events for which we’ve had a lot of anticipation. It’s a gift of sorts.

I learned some new ideas for writing, some technical ideas for my website, and prayed with a woman whose writing I’ve admired for quite a while. It was before the tornadoes drove us to the shelter. she asked if we could pray, since I told her I read her books. They have a spiritual slant and she felt safe in asking. I was happy to oblige.

This afternoon, I attended a baby shower for our nephew Don and his wife Carrie’s baby. This family needs a baby, and I’m delighted for Carrie and Don. They’re very special people. June will be here before we know it.

As I continue to mull over all the things I’ve learned this weekend, I hope you have things you look forward to doing. I hope they are things that lift your spirits.

Have a beautiful Sunday, and we’ll see each other tomorrow.

Did I Sign Up For This?

Do any of you do this?

I’ve wanted to take some online art classes, and signed up for a couple probably when I thought I’d have more time. I didn’t. I have lifetime login on a class by . . . Huh, what was that? Recently, I decided this year would be the year I try my hand at brushes, pencil drawings, watercolor, acrylics, etc. And I signed up for . . .

Well, you get the drift. I need to go through and try to figure out where all those websites are for those phantom classes I eagerly enlisted for. My eagerness has not waned, and I need to make sure I find them all again, since we no longer have the commitment to Mom’s care we had.

Glad we did it, and now I can do some of those things I’ve saved for “when I have more time.” I have more time now, and I’m so glad.

This morning, I worked more on the Sudoko Quilt. It’s coming along nicely. This morning, there was a lot of sewing sections together, and pressing the seams one direction or another. I forgot how crisp the seams looked when pressed into place, the proper way being to the dark fabric. In Star Wars and quilting, it always goes to the dark side. That was a Dad Joke, I know. Grandma’s can get away with it, though.

That simple thing, the crisp look of a quilt top after pressing, is one pleasure I’ve rediscovered this year. I’ve also read 5 books this year (two of them over 350 pages), and have done quite a few things on the to do list for home. And it’s only February 8, 2024! Five weeks off to a good start. Praying it continues.

It’s time to read some more on my 6th book, “Along Came Millie.” It’s pretty intriguing. Have a Fabulous Friday, and we’ll see you tomorrow.