
Some days, the everyday tasks are the highlights of the day. Right?

The Babe and I set out to do regular errands; bank, UPS for Amazon Returns, and the store. It was nice.

I thought of other times in life, doing the same tasks. In the 1970s, in my 20s, with a few kids, all in tow. The styles different, the location far from here, and me in a much different frame of mind. And the constant worry if the old Pontiac will keep running all winter or not.

Previously dependent on caring for my kids and home. I didn’t think of what I would want when those toddlers didn’t need me anymore.

And the years when there was no time after 5 pm. Pick up kids, dinner, school for me a couple times a week, get home and study, do the same over again, 4 more times. Groceries once a week. No online shopping in any manner, no cell phones. The 1980s were fun, crazy, and poor.

And as we continue to age, in ten years, who knows if we’re still driving or living in our home. In the past couple years, I’ve learned life is a delicate balance. All we can do is be ready for anything, because it will probably happen. Or not.

Have a terrific Thursday. More errands, but with my brother Steve. It should be good. Stay safe and see you tomorrow!

(The header photo is a photo I took when Omaha had an awful storm a couple weeks ago).

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