Prompt Thursday

What do you wish you could do more every day?

I wish I could do more creating every day. I have a few more weeks until the estate sale is over, I will be able to take smaller hand projects outside and sit in a deck chair or our composite-wood Adirondack chairs on the patio, and work on an embroidery, crochet, or hand quilting project. Or there is always the good old reliable, a book.

I can begin to use my new Kindle, too. My time has been spoken for by others for a long time. It’s both exhilarating and scary to think of having 100% free time again. I look forward to it!

It’s not just being tied up with an ill parent that took me away from what I love; it’s also dealing with the disability I’ve had since 1995. All in all, it adds up, subtracting from real, useable time.

As always, I’m grateful to be as mobile as I am. There’s so much I’d like to do. To experience. And to learn.

I think Gavin’s first baseball game is Saturday afternoon. It may be too chilly for this Grandma to sit on the sidelines, but I’m ready to wear my long winter coat if necessary. Baseball! It’s finally spring!

What tells you it’s finally spring? Comment and share. Let me know your thoughts. I love to read what you share.

Thank you! Have a great Friday. Enjoy!

I goofed somewhere! Re-do in progress!

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