The Best Advice You Ever Got?

Easy. My mentor taught me if you don’t see opportunities where you are, learn to create them.

As you become more marketable, monitor opportunities where you are. If you don’t see any, look elsewhere. It may be in the city or town you live in, or it may be out of state. You will find a stepping stone that is up from where you are.

It was several years ago, and the advice may be different now, as the workplace is much more casual and there is a lot of off-site work done.

Creating opportunities in writing comes with learning all you can about writing. Storytelling, and mesmerising your reader is of the utmost. Keeping up the pace of the story is important and including plot twists and other surprises are great tools. So much to learn, it’s a constant education. No one will ever learn it all. And styles change. The old rules of writing are no longer applicable. It’s amazing what’s changed over the past 25 years, since I wrote for college classes. Learning is key.

Taking care of Mom’s business is complicated, and I spent another Monday doing it. POAs are great, and each organization differs in how they do it. Especially out-of-state banks, investment companies, etc. Nothing is simple or easy. I’m learning a lot. Some, not so good.

Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday. It will be another beautiful fall day. Enjoy it before we run out of them! See you tomorrow.

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