What Food Takes You Back to Childhood?

Every Sunday morning, Grandma Jewell made Clover Leaf Rolls from scratch. It was the only way she ever made them.

The kitchen smelled of baked goods. The real butter melted into the nooks and crannies and added to the flavor of buttery perfection.

Sometimes, she made Pecan Sticky Buns. Foolish child that I was, I didn’t like those as a child. My memory still has the smell of her kitchen embedded in it for eternity, I hope.

Grandma Bobell wasn’t a baker. At her house, she made frozen lemonade or juice, and we had store bought cookies. Since we drank water only during the day at home, frozen juice was pretty cool stuff. Pun intended.

When we were very little, frozen strawberries were a treat at Grandma Bobell’s also. She stocked up on them, and her home canned fruit, or frozen varieties.

It was a novelty for us to have frozen anything. Ice cream didn’t keep well in our refrigerator/freezer. Freezers may be large enough for ice cube trays and little else.

When our Mom grew up, they had ice boxes, complete with home delivery of large blocks of ice. Meat was purchased fresh daily and refrigerated. Life was not full of the conveniences we have now. We’re lucky, aren’t we?

How about you? What takes you back? Here’s hoping they are good memories.

Have a great Saturday today. Get outside early, and take it easy. See you tomorrow.

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