More Rain!

The clouds were threatening all day. It seems rain and bad weather are the orders for the week.

We sat on the deck and watched the trees move in the wind, and the clouds move as if they were boiling. It was eerie and cool at the same time.

We had some steady rain for about 20 minutes, and I expect the plants are happier.

Simple things give us such pause and sometimes, I just have a need to reflect on them. I feel a deep appreciation of things like the rain today.

I’m taking it as a message from the heavens. It was telling us now that Mom’s house closed and we’ve wrapped up some other miscellaneous things, it’s time for us to get our life back again.

We plan to enjoy our time each day because it’s truly a gift. Carving out time to relax is something we’ve missed the last couple of years.

What are your plans for this Wednesday? I have no plans and hope to finish the book “In Cold Storage.” And just sit and notice things from everyday life.

Be safe out there. See you tomorrow.

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