Wedding, Take Two

Today marks the second wedding this cute COVID COUPLE will have this year. Originally, the nuptials were to be in April, and we all know how that turned out, with quarantine and cancellation. Two of my cousin’s daughter’s planned weddings this year. One (the August one) went off without a hitch, we socially distanced, and it was good. Katelynne and Marc Lile were legally married on their original date. The party will be today after they renew their vows.

What a novel way to start out. Initially, it was devastating. To be a young couple and having to cancel their plans had to be heartbreaking. They learned very early to add humor to a bad situation and it lightens the load for everyone. The photo says it all, I think. The Groom, I believe gets credit for this lovely photo they posted on their Facebook account. It says it all. The families made the best of a bad situation. I applaud that.

If you have any life experience, you know this won’t be the worst thing that happens for any young couple. They have shown early on they have great skills, coping with a bad situation that is out of their hands. They have great promise for their future, which is built on love, partnership, and determination. Congratulations, Katelynne and Marc.

All of this is a great example of how whatever happens in life, we can learn to roll with it, or make it ruin every day from here forward. I don’t take lightly events like loss of health, death, murder, etc., so just know I’m not minimizing recovery from those terrible things. This change of date for the reception was devastating, but they chose to re-frame it and remember it with grace and laughter. It is still a serious commitment with the vows, and there will be great stories to tell their grandchildren. Amen to that.

My “work” for today is to straighten up my studio office, write the blog, do some research, and watch a free Instagram training video I missed earlier this week. I think it will be worthwhile. It’s awesome people offer it for free. Of course, it’s to lure you into buying more training for a fee, but at least you can try it ahead of time and see if it’s a fit or worth it for you. The Instagram training will be benefit my author page and the VFW Post 2503 page I’ll be unveiling later this month. I’m fortunate to be in a position to gain personally and professionally from it. God’s showing me the way again!

There is a lot of confusion among our kids with school, in class, at home, no athletics, and I believe people are dealing with much more than some can handle. Of course, one may say it’s easy for a retired person like me, but we still are very concerned with out grandchildren who are of school age. These changes are not easy for them. Our grandson Joell is an only child, so if we go to quarantine again, he will have no kid contact except by video game contact with other kids. I think he plays a game with Gavin, across the country. Some kids don’t have that. I’m unsure what our answers to any of this should be. All some of us can do is pray. Pray with all we’ve got.

We can’t give up, as those isolated elderly people are reportedly doing in some nursing homes. My heart breaks for them all. I know how the Babe’s Mom would look forward to everyone visiting her. She had probably the most company of anyone in the entire place. She was a very nice lady. MS ravaged her body, she couldn’t move on her own, but she could talk, and talk she did!

Did she complain? Very little. I know it was easier for us being away in Omaha, and the kids in Sioux Falls handled a lot more than we did, but she always asked about the lives of the people visiting her. She had a way, even before she was bedridden, to make you feel so important. She had a way with people. God Bless Her. I want to be a Liz. I want to make life normal despite the bad things going on around us. I want people to smile again, to crack jokes, to make light of themselves. We have to keep going. We cannot give up our will to do so. Please. It will be worth it on the other side of this pandemic.

Let’s keep doing everything we can to be positive, polite, courteous, kind, thoughtful, and share what we have. Time is the most important commodity at work here. Time, caring, love, lead to interaction and making a difference. Make a difference in someone’s life this weekend. You have until Tuesday morning to accomplish it. What a way to start the first full week of September! It will be a great start to the fall months ahead. Be safe, Wear a mask, Wash up. It’ll all be worth it when we’re safe again. See you tomorrow! Thank you for reading.