Old Stuff

If you’re an old typewriter fan like me, isn’t the header photo today just the most fabulous thing you’ve ever seen? It would be fun to have those on a wall in the home office, right here in Gretna. Trouble is, they’d have to go in my craft room downstairs. Up here, I have other things. Such as:

When the Babe painted this room, I ordered all these stencils to adhere to the walls. I didn’t know I’d begin writing, thus making this not only a sewing room, but an office/studio for writing too. I’m working towards incorporating a shipping department in here, too, to ship off my books when folks order them. I’m looking ahead with positivity, and that’s what I see. I do have a couple pictures to hang, like the antique typewriter with the magnolias on top of it. I’d certainly buy some more little doo dads that reflect that if I come across any.

I saw this the other day, and it made me smile. It’s from the Typewriter Guy’s Facebook page. He does some rather fine things, check him out! Also, a fellow named Topher Kearby does typewritten verses, sayings, etc. on original artwork. I like his work, too. Check his beautiful renderings out, too. I enjoy his work, also.

Goldie wore a path in the grass playing fetch.

We had an absolutely delightful time on the deck this morning. The Babe was out there earlier than me, and he reported seeing a huge owl flying out from the trees, the height of the shed, and fly south and back into the trees. I so wish I could have seen it! We had three pots of coffee in the two hours we lollygagged and dawdled around before getting ready for the day. It was so nice. With him doing what he does at the Post everyday, we don’t get that extended, uninterrupted time together too much. Those are the best times, aren’t they? Impromptu hours that could go on forever? I think so.

Goldie wore quite a path in the grass from a whole spring and summer playing fetch, hasn’t she? She plays at least three times a day. I swear, she can run down the steps from the deck to the yard, pick up her toy, then run to the outer edge of the yard, by the fence, and back up the stairs and eventually give it to you to throw again, upwards of a hundred times. Sometimes, she’ll stop and go potty, but not often, then back to the business of playing. It’s wonderful to see a dog so healthy and happy.

It’s going to be a busy weekend for us. We have plans to take care of a lot of stuff at home we haven’t had time to do this summer. Some deep cleaning, then we’ll be good to go. And of course, my writing, my quilt, hanging my kimonos, and all the good stuff. First action after this post, it’s clean up my work surface my Chromebook is on, and all the papers, books, folders, etc. A straightened up work area makes the work go better.

My conference with Sam, the book coach, went well. I seem to go in and out of a good writing mode. I still try and cram so much backstory in, it distracts from the story’s message. I need more discipline and practice, so that is what the next two weeks will be about. I hope my brain can empty itself once we do the chores around the house I’ve been neglecting. Just dusting and a little shining things up, we’ll be good. It’s tough with two dogs, but they live here, too. I expect dog hair and dander. I’d rather have them than a spotless house. They’re good for our hearts and souls.

I hope you all have a safe weekend. Don’t get the COVID-19 virus from too much togetherness at gatherings this long weekend. The safer we make each other, the sooner we can put this behind us. Whenever the vaccine is made available, things will look up. Let’s make sure it’s real before we set out hearts on it. Disappointment will not be good at this point. I feel so badly for the people who feel forgotten and deserted in the nursing homes. They give up, and have a high mortality rate. Send a note, card, whatever you can, make a call. Do something for those old folks who gave us the world.

Until I see you tomorrow, thank you for reading today. I appreciate your interest and support so much. It helps more than you realize. Stay safe, be polite, appreciate the hot but beautiful weather.